Our website offers the possibility of registering and ordering in 2 steps:
Step 1: Creation and confirmation order
Step 2: Payment.
Why isn't it possible to order and pay at the same time? We have many producots and different sales channels. It is impossible for us to control our warehouse and shipping cost in real time.
BEFORE MAKING SOME PAYMENT CONFIRM THE ORDER AND TRANSPORTATION WITH THE STORE, by calling 0034.679004936 or by email granada@rachelleworldstyle.com.
The FULL purchase process consists of the following steps:
1) Register and complete the order through the website.
2) You will receive as soon as possible, a proforma or budget including any shipping costs (some product may not be available).
3) You can confirm or cancel the order without any commitment.
4) If you confirm, you will make the payment by transfer, bank cards or other methods agreed with the company.
5) After receiving the payment, the company will send the order with chosen transport.
Another good alternative is to contact us by phone or by email. The online catalog is updated weekly, offering the client almost real-time information, but even so there may be errors in the stocks, please excuse the inconvenience caused by it. After confirming the order by telephone or via mail and making the payment, you can withdraw the merchandise in the store or receive them at your own address. We make insured shipments worldwide.
Payments can be made in 4 modes:
1) Cash in our physical store.
2) For Money Gram, we do not work with other money transfer companies.
3) By bank transfer, bank details will be provided upon confirmation of the order.
4) By bank card. (They must have the "3D secure" security system active).
For additional information it is possible to contact us by telephone during business hours at 958.18.41.45 or by sending an email to: granada@rachelleworldstyle.com
Summer Time: Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from Monday to Friday. from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00.
Winter Time : Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from Monday to Friday. from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30.